List of minor Emmerdale characters (2010)

Emmerdale minor characters
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2010 2011 2012

The following is a list of minor characters that first appeared in the British soap opera Emmerdale in 2010, by order of first appearance.


Charlie Haynes

Charlie Haynes
Emmerdale character
Portrayed by George Costigan
Introduced by Gavin Blyth
Duration 2010
First appearance 8 March 2010
Last appearance 23 July 2010
Classification Former; regular
Home France
Occupation Businessman

Charles "Charlie" Haynes, played by George Costigan, is an old friend of Rodney Blackstock (Patrick Mower). He made his first on-screen appearance on 8 March 2010.[1]

Charlie was first seen when Rodney was on a date with a glamorous woman, revealing that he and Rodney were friends years ago but lost contact. The next day, Charlie and Rodney were having a drink in the Woolpack, and Diane realised that this was the 'famous' Charlie that Rodney used to talk about years ago. Charlie clearly fancies Diane, making Doug Potts dislike him, seeing him as a rival for Diane's affections.

Charlie returns from France with presents for Diane & Doug. When Doug sees that his present is a box of cigars, he tells Charlie he doesn't smoke so Charlie buys the drinks to apologise. Later that week, Diane invites Charlie to dinner as Doug had to work late. After the meal, the pair kiss. A couple of weeks later, Diane and Charlie have become a couple and go to France on holiday to see where Charlie lives, taking Diane's stepdaughter, Victoria Sugden. Weeks on, Charlie tells Diane he is returning to France for good so when Diane has to decide whether to stay in Emmerdale or move to France. She decides to go to France with Charlie, despite his having an inoperable brain tumour.

Charlie returned on 23 July while Diane and Val are searching for him. They go to his chateau and ask to see Charlie, but no one appears to have heard of, let alone seen him. Diane and Val wonder what is going on. They then ask to see the owner (thinking this will get them further) but then meet the truthful owner who also has not heard of Charlie. Diane finally puts two and two together and she breaks down in Val's arms, devastated at Charlie's actions, leaving her practically penniless. Charlie is seen later on in a restaurant with another woman returning a handbag which was seemingly stolen by a mugger, much similar to the scenario with Diane. This scene confirms the fact that Charlie is, in fact, a conman, and preys on lonely women for their cash.

Sue Hastings

Susan "Sue" Hastings was introduced as a love interest for Rodney Blackstock.

They first met at a posh restaurant where he plucked up the courage to introduce himself to her. They are getting along fine when Charlie Haynes tells Sue that Rodney is a lawyer. Rodney does not deny it and soon enough he is caught up in a web of lies and doesn't know what to do. On 18 March 2010, Sue wants to go to the Grange Restaurant in the village despite Rodney wanting to hide his cover as the restaurant is owned by Eric and Val Pollard. Sue asks some questions about his job which catches him out. Sue knows about the law and he doesn't which becomes apparent. She is angry about the lies and said that she would have been happy with someone who was a delivery man and subsequently storms out.

Roz Fielding

Roz Fielding
Emmerdale character
Portrayed by Kirsty-Leigh Porter
Introduced by Gavin Blyth
Duration 2010-11
First appearance 22 April 2010
Last appearance 17 August 2011
Classification Former; regular
Home Bradford
Occupation Factory worker
Textile pattern designer

Rosalind "Roz" Fielding is a friend of Holly Barton's from college. At first she appeared to be just a typical normal teenager but is later seen to be giving drugs to Holly. On Holly's 19th birthday Roz gives her some drugs in The Woolpack, when Holly's parents find out that Holly has been kicked out of college they confront her and tell Roz to leave.

Holly is later banned from seeing or calling Roz. When Holly's father, John, accuses Holly of stealing ketamine, Holly stays at Roz's house. Holly later swaps the ketamine with Roz for cocaine. Holly later runs away from home and John and Moira go and see Roz thinking that Holly is staying at her house again but Roz tells them that she has not heard from Holly.

When Holly later returns home, John calls Roz and asks her to come and see Holly to give her some emotional support to help her cure her drug addiction. Roz and Holly go for a walk in the fields and talk but Holly then begins asking Roz for more drugs and they argue. John and Holly's brother Adam witness the argument and Roz tells them about Holly's request for drugs. In November Roz returns again to see Holly but is sent away by Moira and Adam. She returns the following week and John reluctantly lets her in to speak to Holly and this appears to make her feel better. Roz tells Moira that she believes Holly is doing better than she expected.

The following day Roz returns but Adam confronts her and they argue. Moira overhears the argument whilst tending to Holly. Adam orders Roz to leave. Roz hides in the barn and waits for Moira to leave. She then sneaks into the house to see Holly and attempts to speak to her. Holly is asleep and Roz realises that she has taken more heroin. Moira returns and tells Roz to leave. Roz tries to convince Moira that Holly has taken more drugs but Moira dismisses her claims. Adam enters the house and overhears their argument. Believing Roz, Adam tries to ring John to tell him about the situation but Moira tries to stop him. Adam and Roz both realise that Moira has been buying heroin for Holly and Roz leaves in shock.

Roz returns on 16 December to see how Holly is doing. Moira apologises to Roz for misjudging her and Roz accepts it. Holly comes downstairs and is pleased to see Roz. Roz remarks that Holly looks better than when she last saw her. Holly asks Moira if Roz can take her to the clinic to get her methadone but Roz and Moira both decline, thinking it is too soon for her. Roz offers to come with her and Moira so they can catch up with each other's news and Moira agrees. When they return home Roz and Holly sit on the sofa, and after Moira leaves the house, Roz asks Holly how she is getting on and Holly tells her that she still suffers from withdrawal symptoms but doesn't want to hurt her family any more than she already has. Roz tells Holly that she has also given up using drugs. After her father throws her out, Roz subsequently moves in with the Bartons at Butler's Farm and later secures a job at Sharma and Sharma sweet factory.

Roz later becomes disillusioned with her job and takes a strong dislike to her boss Nikhil Sharma. After feeling that Nikhil has been treating the factory workers badly Roz instigates a strike. Nikhil's brother Jai manages to convince Roz and the other employees to return to work. However, Roz reveals to Holly that a friend has offered her a job in Bradford at a textile factory, designing patterns for products and tells her that she has been offered a flat there from a friend. Roz later calls Nikhil and resigns from her job. She packs her belongings up and after bidding farewell to Holly and the Bartons, she leaves Butler's Farm and departs the village.

Tania Page

Tania Page is introduced as a council employee who becomes attracted to David Metcalfe. She attempts to seduce David in her flat but he turns her down and tells her to stay away from him. David later discovers that Tania had secretly recorded their meetings and that Nathan Wylde had been behind it. Nathan had paid Tania to seduce David and make it look like they were having an affair in order to blackmail him. Tania made her last appearance on 8 June 2010 and has not been seen since.[2]

Wayne Dobson

Wayne Dobson is a local criminal and bully. He is first seen doing community service where Aaron Livesy meets him whilst he is on the same community payback scheme for assaulting Jackson Walsh. Wayne bullies Aaron for being gay and then pushes him into a nearby lake and tries to provoke Aaron into a fight by threatening him with a spanner at the garage where he worked, but Aaron does not take the bait. Wayne has not been seen since.[3]

Laura Prior

Laura Prior
Emmerdale character
Portrayed by Elaine Glover
Introduced by Gavin Blyth
Duration 2010, 2011
First appearance 27 July 2010
Last appearance 17 February 2011
Occupation Detective

Detective Constable Laura Prior is a police officer investigating the murder of Mark Wylde alongside DS Nick Henshall after Mark's body was discovered in the woods by Sam Dingle. After questioning all members of both the Wylde and Lamb families, the detectives arrest Nathan Wylde on suspicion of his father's murder but he is later released due to a lack of evidence. The detectives later arrest Nathan's half-brother Ryan Lamb after Nathan frames him by planting the murder weapon at the garage where he works and also stealing and planting a gold chain with Ryan's DNA on it at the murder scene. After questioning Ryan, Prior and Henshall charge him with Mark's murder.

Prior returns on 14 January 2011 to investigate the arson attack in which Viv Hope and Terry Woods are killed. Unbeknownst to the detective, her colleague Henshall, who has begun a relationship with Katie Sugden, is actually the culprit responsible for the blaze. Henshall's frequent mood swings following the attack lead Prior to suspect he is overworked. Together, they question Katie and Chas Dingle, and Katie airs her suspicion that the attacker may have been the same person who has recently been making prank telephone calls to them and broke into their home weeks earlier. Chas is unsure, as she believes that her ex-boyfriend Carl King could have started the fire. Gennie Walker later returns home and tells Prior that she believed Andy Sugden started the fire and that he was also responsible for the earlier harassment. After stating that both Carl and Andy will be interviewed, the detectives leave. They later return to question Gennie, and she states she remains convinced Andy was responsible. Henshall and Prior turn up at Butler's Farm later in the week and escort Andy to the police station to be questioned, where he protests his innocence. After the interview, Prior remarks to Henshall that they have no evidence against Andy and just hearsay and speculation. On 20 January, Prior attends Terry's funeral with Henshall. At the service, Prior notices Henshall's discomfort and asks him if he is alright but he brushes off her concerns.

On 1 February, Andy goes to the police station and makes a complaint to Prior about Henshall for harassing him. Initially Prior tells Andy that Henshall is just doing his job and has not broken any rules but Andy then tells her about Henshall's relationship with Katie and his suspicions that Henshall is trying to fit him up to ensure that he cannot spoil their relationship. Prior is surprised by Andy's revelation, having been previously unaware of the relationship. The following day, Prior confronts Henshall as he comes into work and he is forced to admit he is seeing Katie. Realising Henshall is jeopardizing the case by dating her, Prior reports him to senior officers. Henshall is taken off the case by their Detective Inspector and he angrily confronts Prior in the locker room, frightening her with his outburst of rage. Henshall accuses Prior of ruining his further promotion chances and thinks she is jealous of Katie. The following day, Prior turns up at Victoria Cottage to review Katie, Chas and Gennie's witness statements, only to find Henshall there. He mocks Prior, before she asks for privacy with Katie, who tells her that on the night of the attack she had been out for dinner with Henshall and after a confrontation with Andy, they had ended their relationship.

Prior later goes to visit Carl to go through his statement. She is surprised to discover a key piece of information missing from Carl's original statement in that he nearly crashed into a car (Henshall's) when he drove into the village and just before he spotted the fire. Carl tells her that he was not shown his statement to sign and Prior is surprised as that was police procedure. On 7 February, Prior confronts Henshall in The Woolpack and demands an explanation of why he omitted information from both Katie and Carl's statements, to which he tells her that he did not think the evidence was reliable. Prior warns Henshall that if she discovers the truth then she will not defend him. On 15 February, Henshall spots Prior speaking to a detective in the investigation room at the police station. He tells Henshall that Prior has discovered a CCTV camera across the road from the shop where the phone used to make the nuisance calls to Victoria Cottage was bought from.

On 16 February, DC Darren Foster shows Prior a section of the CCTV footage which reveals Henshall leaving the shop after buying the phone. Foster zooms in on his face and Prior is shocked to recognize her superior officer. She then mobilizes resources to track Henshall down and tells Foster to task officers to warn Katie. Prior goes to the village and questions Chas outside Victoria Cottage about Katie and Henshall's whereabouts and Chas tells her that they have gone. When Prior asks where, Chas tells her that they are packing their bags at Henshall's house and are going away for a while. Prior then gives her mobile number to Chas and tells her to call her if either Katie or Henshall contact her. She then gets into her car and leaves. Prior and Foster go to Henshall's house and knock on the door. Foster suggests breaking the door down to save Katie but Prior refuses, saying that they would make the situation worse. Prior sends Foster round the back of the house whilst she calls her Detective Inspector.

Prior waits by the police cordon as Andy and Gennie arrive. She reassures Andy that they have the situation under control. She then asks if either of them have a number for Katie's mobile and Gennie tells her that she does. Prior then calls Katie's mobile and speaks to Henshall and he mockingly asks her if they were unable to afford a proper negotiator. Prior jokes that she wants to use a personal touch. Prior tells Henshall that they found the CCTV footage and all it tells them is that he made the prank phone calls. Prior tells Henshall that he should tell them his side of the story but he refuses, telling her that it is too late. Henshall is about to hang up and Prior asks him if she can talk to Katie. Henshall refuses but when Prior tells him that she needs to know if Katie is OK, Henshall forces her over to the window. Andy tries to break through the police cordon and has to be dragged back.

As night falls, Prior continues to call Henshall's phone with no luck. The Chief Inspector in charge of the siege tells her that as she cannot handle Henshall he will send a team in. Prior tells him that she is doing her best and Foster tells her that they should storm the place and she reminds him that Henshall is dangerous and has already killed two people and they should not risk Katie's life. She asks for Foster's mobile and he gives it to her, telling her that he has a low credit. Prior then goes up to the house and knocks on the door. She tries to speak to Henshall through the letterbox and asks him to let her in. Henshall does not respond so she puts Foster's mobile through the letterbox. Henshall continues to ignore her and she gives up. Prior tries to call the phone repeatedly but still gets no reply. Prior then gets a loudspeaker from the back of a patrol car and asks Henshall to answer his phone but he ignores her. The Chief Inspector tells Prior that she did her best and that they will send a team in. Andy tries to break through the cordon again and as he is dragged away, he tells Prior that he will hold her responsible if anything happens to Katie. Gennie asks what the next course of action will be and Prior tells her that she will carry on trying to talk to Henshall for as long and possible and reassures her that the armed response teams are trained for the type of situation they were in.

A shot later rings out and Prior is apprehensive, thinking Henshall has killed Katie but she emerges from the house unharmed. Katie tells Prior that Henshall has shot himself and she is overcome with shock.

Isaac Nuttall

Isaac Nuttall
Emmerdale character
Portrayed by Jake Roche
Introduced by Gavin Blyth
Duration 2010
First appearance 10 August 2010
Last appearance 25 October 2010
Classification Former; guest
Occupation Student

Isaac Nuttall was a teenager who Hannah Barton befriended at college. Hannah and Isaac later begin a relationship but Hannah is unsure of whether she wants to sleep with him. She tells her friend Victoria Sugden that she did sleep with him but Isaac later reveals that it wasn't true. Victoria encourages Hannah to make the best of her relationship and holds a party at her brother Andy's house. At the party Isaac takes Hannah upstairs and they have sex and are spotted coming downstairs by Diane Sugden when she breaks the party up. Hannah panics when Isaac tells her the following day that the condom he used split. Hannah later gets the morning after pill from a chemist and orders Isaac to stay away from her but she later patches things up with him and they remain friends. Isaac later flirts with Victoria and Hannah accuses Victoria of trying to steal him. Hannah later meets up with Isaac in the cafe to discuss their relationship but Hannah spotted her sister Holly leaving the pub and went after her leaving Isaac alone at the table. Isaac later texted Hannah and dumped her, saying he did not want to be second best to her family.

Alicia Gallagher

Alicia Gallagher
Emmerdale character
Portrayed by Natalie Anderson
Introduced by Gavin Blyth
Duration 2010—
First appearance 11 August 2010
Classification Present; regular
Occupation Barmaid

Alicia Gallagher (née Harding), played by Natalie Anderson, made her first on-screen appearance on 11 August 2010. Alicia is Leyla Harding's (Rokhsaneh Ghawam-Shahidi) sister.[4] Anderson joined the cast of Emmerdale in May 2010 and she said "I'm absolutely thrilled to be joining the show. It'll be wonderful to be working back home in Yorkshire again. I'm a Yorkshire girl so a part in Emmerdale is a dream come true!"[4] Of her character, she said "Alicia is a complex character, she's not all she seems and she's set to make life quite complicated for Leyla."[4] Alicia is also described as "brassy and trashy and full of attitude."[4].


Alicia arrives in the village to tell Leyla not to attend their mother's funeral. Leyla ignores her and attends. Alicia is not happy and tells Leyla to forget about making up. Alicia comes back to the village after her marriage breaks down and she argues with Leyla in her shop in front of Eric Pollard (Chris Chittell) and Doug Potts (Duncan Preston). It is revealed that Alicia's son, Jacob, is actually Leyla's son. Their mother had persuaded Leyla to give her baby to her sister, as Alicia suffers from fertility problems. Leyla asks Alicia and Jacob to stay with her and her boyfriend David Metcalfe (Matthew Wolfenden) when she discovers that they are homeless. Alicia gets a job as barmaid at The Woolpack and she and Leyla disagree over Jacob's upbringing. When Jacob eats a cake with nuts in it and suffers an allergic reaction at T.J. Woods's (Connor Lee) birthday party, Alicia accuses Leyla of being neglectful. She later starts feuding with Chas Dingle (Lucy Pargeter) after Chas complains about the quality of a drink she serves. When Alicia attends Gennie Walker's (Sian Reese-Williams) lingerie party, she samples some underwear that Chas had been going to buy and tells her that she is too old for sexy lingerie. Chas locks her in a wardrobe and steals her clothes in revenge. On Bonfire Night, Alicia argues with Eve Jenson (Suzanne Shaw) after Eve accuses Jacob of putting a toffee in her hat. Alicia lets Nathan Wylde (Lyndon Ogbourne) buy her a drink in the pub, which concerns both Leyla and David as they have both had prior dealings with Nathan when he attempted to blackmail them both. Leyla tells Alicia what Nathan is really like and Alicia later decides not to go home with Nathan after witnessing him fight with his half-brother Ryan Lamb (James Sutton). Alicia later flirts with businessman Declan Macey (Jason Merrells). Alicia asks Leyla to make Jacob a costume for his school nativity play, but when Leyla acts too maternal towards him, Alicia is forced to assert her authority as Jacob's mother.

Declan invites Alicia to his housewarming party at Home Farm. Alicia and Declan flirt when he shows her around the house and he invites her upstairs, but they are interrupted by Declan's ex-wife Ella Hart (Corrinne Wicks) and their daughter Mia (Sapphire Elia). Alicia leaves, despite Declan begging her to stay. Alicia's ex-husband Justin visits Jacob and he and Alicia argue. Alicia goes to The Woolpack and has a drink with Declan, she later goes home with him. Alicia spends the night at Home Farm and the following morning Ella offers to cook breakfast for them. Leyla becomes angry when Alicia does not pick Jacob up from school and that she asked Amy Wyatt (Chelsea Halfpenny) to baby-sit for her instead. After attending Jacob's play, which Justin did not attend, Leyla asks Alicia if she told Justin when the play was. Alicia tells her that she told Justin the play was on a different day to see where Justin's priorities are. Leyla is disgusted with Alicia's emotional blackmailing of Justin. Leyla and Alicia argue about Jacob and Alicia going out and getting Amy to babysit him. Jacob overhears their arguments. Alicia goes back to The Woolpack where Ryan offers to buy her a drink. She later goes back to his house. Alicia returns home and discovers that Jacob has gone. A search begins and Alicia blames Leyla as she was supposed to be looking after him. Justin blames Alicia for Jacob's disappearance. The police get involved and Alicia gives a press conference. During another argument, Justin reveals that he is Jacob's biological father. Alicia does not initially believe Justin and accuses him of lying, but Leyla admits the truth. Alicia accuses Leyla of being jealous of her and everything she had. David finds Jacob in an abandoned building and she comforts Jacob as he is carried to an ambulance.

Jacob is discharged from hospital and Alicia brings him back to Leyla's. Leyla tells Alicia that she gave her Jacob because she believed that she would be a better mother to him. Alicia accuses Leyla of betraying her and Leyla apologises. Alicia refuses to let Justin see Jacob and he tells her that he will fight her for custody. Leyla defends her sister when Justin accuses Alicia of being a bad mother. Alicia thanks Leyla for helping her and she tries to persuade David to take Leyla back. Alicia is furious when Justin picks Jacob up from school without informing her. Leyla tells her that Jacob is safe and David tells her that if she were to sort out a custody arrangement then Justin would not resort to taking Jacob. Justin later texts Alicia, telling her that he has taken Jacob bowling and Alicia reveals her fear that Jacob will start hating her as a result of Justin spoiling him. Alicia continues to refuse to an agreement with Justin about a custody agreement.

Leyla realises that Alicia has confiscated Jacob's phone, so he cannot contact Justin. Alicia gives in and tells Jacob that he can call Justin on condition that he do his homework and go straight to bed. Leyla tells Alicia that she should not stop Justin from seeing Jacob and that Jacob misses his father. Alicia blames Justin for upsetting Jacob and tells Leyla she is doing what is best. Alicia later calls Justin and, with Leyla's help, agrees to let him have access to Jacob on condition that he drop the custody battle. Justin agrees and Leyla tells Alicia that she made the right decision. On Valentine's Day, Andy Sugden (Kelvin Fletcher) offers to treat Alicia to dinner at the B&B as friends. Alicia soon realises that the reason Andy is there is to spy on Henshall who is having a meal with Andy's ex-wife Katie (Sammy Winward). Henshall then confronts Andy and despite Alicia insisting that they are there for a quiet meal and not to stir up trouble, she is unable to prevent an argument between the two men. Andy later apologises to her.

Andy asks Alicia to pick Sarah up from school for him and she does so, also collecting Jacob and Sarah's uncle Noah Tate (Jack Downham) and takes them home. Sarah's mother Debbie Dingle (Charley Webb) is unhappy when Alicia brings Noah and Sarah home as she had asked Andy to pick them up. Debbie is dismissive when Alicia asks if she can look after Jacob. Alicia and Andy go on another date at the B&B and a few days later he tells her he has tickets for a Take That tribute band. Alicia tells Andy that she is strapped for cash and Andy offers to loan her the money, but she refuses to take it. Andy asks Paddy Kirk (Dominic Brunt) and Rhona Goskirk (Zoe Henry) to give Alicia a job, without telling her. When Paddy and Rhona later inform Alicia in the pub that her services as receptionist will not be needed, she is surprised and confronts Andy.

In October 2011, Alicia's partner Andy and his former flame Debbie find out that something is wrong with their daughter Sarah and they find out by the hospital that she has got a bone marrow disease and needs another donor otherwise she may die, so they try and get the whole village to do a test but there is no sign of luck, so Debbie and Andy have to go through hospital treatments to try and get a good match, but it doesn't work, so Debbie comes up with a plan for her and Andy to have another child so that they baby can help Sarah, but Alicia is not happy about this, but Andy goes through with it anyway, so when they reveal to the hospital that they are a couple and are having another child, they ask if they are living together to make sure that the new baby will also be brought up well, so Debbie is forced to think again, but she comes up with an idea that her partner, Cameron Murray (Dominic Power) will move in with Alicia and Andy move back in with Debbie and then the reveal to the village that they are an item which leaves Alicia and Cameron livid, but they go along with it anyway for Sarah's sake.


The casting of Anderson in the role was announced on 10 January 2010 and the character first appeared on screen on 11 August 2010. According to Anderson her character is "brassy and trashy and wears miniskirts, low-cut tops, padded bras, hair extensions and lots of fake tan and massive jewellery.” [5]. Speaking of her character in September 2010, Natalie said “She’s brazen and quite spiteful and I’m really not like that at all, I hope! She says what she thinks and there are no airs and graces about her whatsoever. But while she comes across as bold as brass with a hard ­exterior, there is a softer side to her. She’s a devoted mum and a loving wife with very strong ­morals.” [6]. In November 2011 Anderson revealed that by Christmas, Alicia could reach breaking point as the soap's saviour sibling storyline continues, she said "Alicia wants to be supportive but her emotions get in the way. She is infertile and it is hard for her to come to terms with her boyfriend having a baby with someone else. She understands how ill Sarah is, but there's going to be a point where she will lose control - and by Christmas she's going to have to make a huge decision." [7]. In November 2011, Anderson revealed how excited she is about the show reaching it's 40th birthday and that her current contract runs into 2012 [8].

Justin Gallagher

Justin Gallagher
Emmerdale character
Portrayed by Andrew Langtree
Duration 2010–2011
First appearance 11 August 2010
Last appearance 31 January 2011

Justin Gallagher is the husband of Alicia Gallagher, played by Andrew Langtree. He made his first appearance on 11 August 2010 at the funeral of his mother-in-law, Yvonne Harding. Justin was unhappy to see his sister-in-law Leyla Harding at the funeral. When Leyla later came to visit them at their home he told her to leave as he thought it was a bad idea. Justin later visited Leyla and her boyfriend David Metcalfe at their shop in the village. He revealed that Alicia wanted Leyla to scatter their mother's ashes. Leyla carried on meeting up with Justin secretly and David believed that they were having an affair. Whilst David was away on a business trip, Justin visited Leyla at her shop and told her that his marriage had broken down and that Alicia blamed Leyla for it. It was later revealed during an argument between Leyla and Alicia that Justin was unhappy with the way that Alicia treated her sister because their son Jacob was actually Leyla's son. Alicia moved in with Leyla and David and on 23 September, Justin visited to see Jacob and talk things over with Alicia but she wasn't pleased to see him and they argued. Justin returned again on 30 November to visit Jacob as he was leaving to go to school and gives him an advent calendar. Alicia comes downstairs in her dressing gown, hungover and argues with Justin over Christmas plans. Justin wanted Jacob to spend Christmas with him but Alicia refused. She had earlier told Leyla that Justin had a new girlfriend. He then told Leyla that this was not true and that Alicia was trying to manipulate people to get her own way. Justin also tells Leyla that he doesn't want to be left out of Jacob's life. Justin returns on the 17 December when Jacob goes missing. He immediately accuses Alicia of deliberately failing to tell him about Jacob's school nativity play until it was too late in revenge for him wanting to have Jacob for Christmas. He also blames her for the situation in front of the police. He gives DS Nick Henshall a picture of Jacob and reveals that his mother is waiting at his house in case Jacob goes there as they believe Jacob had wanted to show his father his costume in the play. During another argument, Justin reveals that he is Jacob's biological father and that Leyla had slept with him in their flat and Jacob had been conceived leaving Alicia feeling betrayed by her sister again. Justin helps search for Jacob and after he is discovered, goes to hospital with him. He later suggests that Jacob come to stay with him after his recovery but Alicia flatly refuses. In January, Justin tells Leyla that he misses Jacob and tells Alicia that he is going to fight for custody. Leyla supports her sister and tells Justin to leave. Leyla convinces Alicia to agree on access to Jacob on condition that he drop his custody battle and he does so. Justin is last seen on 31 January when he arrives to pick Jacob up on his first agreed scheduled visit to his father.

Abi Peterson

Abi Peterson
Emmerdale character
Portrayed by Catherine Tyldesley
Introduced by Gavin Blyth
Duration 2010
First appearance 11 August 2010
Last appearance 14 October 2010
Occupation Prison Guard

Abigail "Abi" Peterson is a prison guard who befriends Ryan Lamb when he is remanded in custody to await trial for the murder of his father Mark Wylde. She is instantly attracted to Ryan and acts as a confidant for him. They nearly kiss and are almost discovered by Ryan's cellmate Curtis Bevan. Abi later lends Ryan a mobile phone so he can call his mother Faye. Curtis later discovers the phone and beats Ryan up when he tries to get it back. Abi also breaks up a fight between Ryan and his half-brother Nathan Wylde, who had framed him for the murder, in the visiting room when Nathan visited Ryan so he could taunt him. Abi later goes to the village to speak to Faye and tells her about her relationship with Ryan, when Nathan spots her as she is leaving and recognizes her from the prison. He concludes that she and Ryan are in a relationship and threatens to tell the prison authorities. Abi later visits Faye at her work and tells her that she has been transferred to another prison and Faye concludes that Nathan reported her.

Jacob Gallagher

Jacob Gallagher
Emmerdale character
Portrayed by Joe Warren-Plant
Duration 2010—
First appearance 12 August 2010
Date of birth 29 March 2003
Occupation Student

Jacob Gallagher is the son of Leyla Harding, fathered by her former brother-in-law Justin Gallagher. Leyla's sister Alicia brought Jacob up as her own child, not knowing of his true parentage, believing that Leyla gave him to her out of kindness as she was suffering fertility problems. Jacob first appeared on 12 August 2010 at his grandmother Yvonne Harding's funeral. He is played by Joe-Warren Plant.

When Alicia and Justin's marriage breaks down, Alicia comes to Emmerdale with Jacob to confront Leyla. Whilst the sisters argue, Eric Pollard and Doug Potts keep Jacob occupied. When Alicia reveals she has nowhere to go, Leyla lets her and Jacob stay with her. Alicia later becomes paranoid that Leyla is trying to take Jacob away, fearing Leyla will tell him the truth of his parentage. Alicia and Jacob leave the next day but return to Leyla, after failing to find somewhere else to stay.

Alicia enrols Jacob in the local primary school and he befriends T.J. Woods, Noah Tate, Sarah Sugden and Samson Dingle. On his first day, Jacob is bullied for being new and T.J. sticks up for him. Alicia encourages Jacob to fight back if anyone picks a fight with him. Leyla's boyfriend, David Metcalfe, becomes concerned that Leyla is being too maternal to Jacob. At T.J.'s seventh birthday party, Jacob accidentally eats cake with traces of nuts, which he is allergic to. He goes into anaphalytic shock and Leyla is forced to inject him with his medication. Alicia and Terry Woods take Jacob to hospital. Alicia is furious and accuses Leyla of being neglectful.

In December, Jacob takes part in his school's nativity play. He is disappointed when Justin does not show up and later explains that he wants his father to see his costume. Whilst Leyla is babysitting him, Jacob creeps downstairs and lets himself out of the house intending to go to his father's. He runs away down the street. The following morning Alicia discovers he is not in his room and panics. The police are called and Jacob is reported missing. On the moors, Jacob finds shelter in a disused building. As he tries to leave, part of the floor gives way and he falls and is knocked unconscious.

Jacob's helmet from his nativity play costume is discovered and the search focuses on the area where it was found. Whilst checking the abandoned house, David discovers Jacob and puts his own safety at risk to rescue him. Jacob is winched to safety by a rescue team and is taken to hospital where he makes a full recovery.

It was revealed in Inside Soap on 22 March 2011 that later this year Jacob will find out the real identity of his mother.

Hazel Rhodes

Hazel Rhodes
Emmerdale character
Portrayed by Pauline Quirke
Introduced by Gavin Blyth
Duration 2010–12
First appearance 12 August 2010
Classification Present; regular (departing)
Date of birth 14 April
Occupation Art Teacher
Cafe and shop assistant

Hazel Rhodes (previously Walsh) is the mother of Jackson Walsh. Hazel made her first appearance on 12 August 2010.[9][10] Quirke was nominated in the category of "Best Actress" at the 2011 British Soap Awards for her portrayal.[11] It was announced on 16 May 2011, that Quirke would be leaving Emmerdale. Hazel will make her final appearance as she departs with Aaron in Early 2012. Deborah Ross of The Independent commented on the character saying she "pops up but, sadly, isn't given much to do, bar sit under a pub umbrella and look sad".[12]

Hazel first appears when she came to meet Jackson and quickly clashed with Aaron Livesy. After Hazel floods Jackson's flat, he is evicted and Paddy Kirk suggests that they move in with him, but Aaron isn't happy about being under the same roof as Hazel. Jackson sees this and suggests moving Hazel into the B&B but Aaron surprises him by saying that Hazel can stay with them and Paddy.

Hazel settles into the village, starting art classes for the locals and she meets Viv Hope. The pair start to get to know each other and throw friendly insults at each other, becoming friends. Hazel gets a job at the cafe and becomes friends with Viv's husband Bob. Bob and Hazel go on a date but when he takes her to his home, Hazel tells him that she only wants to be friends. Bob says he had hoped for a relationship but he agrees to be just friends.

In October 2010, Jackson is critically injured in a road accident when he crashes on a railway line after arguing with Aaron. The van is hit by a train and Jackson is left with life threatening injuries. Hazel and Bob arrive at the hospital together and she questions Aaron about the accident. Hazel calls Jackson's dad, Jerry, to tell him about what happened. A nurse treating Jackson tells them that Jackson is on life support. Aaron breaks down in tears, blaming himself and Hazel comforts him and tells him that no one is to blame and that Jackson will pull through. When she is allowed to see him, Hazel talks to Jackson while he lies in a coma. Aaron refuses to go in and talk to him because he thinks Jackson wouldn't want him there but Hazel tries to reassure him. Jackson's father, Jerry, arrives in the hospital and blames Aaron for the accident, and when Jerry goes in to see Jackson with Hazel, he says that he thinks that it was Hazel's meddling that caused the accident too. Hazel tells Jerry he has no right to blame anyone. She reveals to Aaron that Jerry hit Jackson when he revealed that he was gay. A few days later Jackson wakes from his coma and the nurse tells Hazel, Jerry and Aaron that Jackson has two broken bones in his neck and may never walk again. Hazel remains positive and hopes Jackson will walk again. Later that day the nurse breaks the news to Jackson with Hazel and Aaron at his bedside.

Hazel rows with Jerry over who would take care of Jackson when he leaves hospital and Jerry tells her that he wants Jackson to stay with him. However, Hazel's landlord Declan Macey offers her his old house Dale Head for both her and Jackson. Hazel gets builders to convert the ground floor into living quarters suitable for Jackson. Hazel becomes Jackson's full-time carer, but after Jackson persuades her she hires a full-time carer, Joe Chappell. Hazel confronts Aaron and tells him to listen to what Jackson has to say. Hazel is unhappy when Jackson ends his relationship with Aaron and lets him go and enjoy life. Hazel clashes with Aaron's mother Chas Dingle about his behaviour telling her to tell Aaron to not hurt Jackson anymore.

Hazel agrees to help Jackson die, but she is unable to go through with it. Aaron gives Jackson's a cocktail of drugs and he dies, devastating Hazel. She is arrested, but released. Ashley tells Hazel that he cannot condone what she has done and refuses to carry out Jackson's funeral. Another vicar conducts the service instead.

Curtis Bevan

Curtis Bevan was the cellmate of Ryan Lamb who realises that Ryan has been seeing prison guard Abi Peterson. He also discovers a mobile phone that Abi had given him to contact his mother with but after Ryan continues to deny him usage of it, Curtis attacks him. Curtis is then transferred to another cell in a different wing of the prison.

Mickey Hall

Mickey Hall
Emmerdale character
Portrayed by Lee Oakes
Introduced by Gavin Blyth
Duration 2010
First appearance 17 September 2010
Last appearance 6 October 2010
Classification Former; recurring
Date of birth 1978

Mickey Hall is a man who first appears after being given a lift in one of Terry Woods' cars in which he leaves a dog collar. He returns to collect it and Aaron Livesy sells him a clocked car. Mickey discovers this and confronts Aaron but Aaron refuses to refund him so he leaves. When no one is around, Mickey vandalises the garage and taxi office. After repeated attempts by Mickey to get his money back, Aaron goes with his dog Clyde to Mickey's house and threatens him. Later, Mickey comes back to the village and sets his dog on Clyde. Clyde has to be put down and this leaves Aaron devastated and wanting revenge. It is revealed later that Aaron's boyfriend Jackson Walsh has paid Mickey the money for the car in order to settle the feud between them. Mickey is last seen on a night out in Hotten when Aaron spots him in the street and starts stalking him, intending to assault him but Jackson stops him.

Dan Cravely

Dan Cravely
Emmerdale character
Portrayed by James Boyland
Introduced by Gavin Blyth
Duration 2010
First appearance 17 September 2010
Last appearance 17 November 2010
Classification Former; recurring

Dan Cravely was the boyfriend of Holly Barton. Dan and Holly first meet after she runs away from home. He first appears after Holly's parents, John and Moira had just left their flat after finding where she was living. He gave her some cocaine but was on edge and worrying that they might discover that he is a drug dealer. He later appears to tell Holly that Moira and Adam had been near the flat and orders her to keep them away by reassuring them that she is fine by treating them to a meal. John later visits again on his own and Dan catches him searching the flat and John accuses him of dealing. Dan and Holly tell John to leave but Dan later throws Holly out after deciding that letting her stay was too risky. Moira visits Dan to buy drugs for Holly after she decides to try and wean her off the heroin slowly.

Jerry Walsh

Jerry Walsh
Emmerdale character
Portrayed by Michael J. Jackson
Introduced by Gavin Blyth
Duration 2010—2011
First appearance 8 October 2010
Last appearance 28 July 2011
Classification Former; regular

Jerry Walsh is the father of Jackson Walsh, played by actor Michael J. Jackson. Jerry first appeared on 8 October 2010 at the hospital after Jackson is badly injured in a car crash on a railway line. Jerry takes an instant dislike to Jackson's boyfriend Aaron Livesy and orders him to leave after discovering that Aaron had accidentally caused the crash by ringing Jackson and the crash was caused by Jackson trying to pick the up and answer his mobile phone. It is revealed that Jerry was strongly homophobic and had punched Jackson when he had revealed that he was gay. When Jackson is discovered to have suffered severe neck and spinal injuries which could potentially paralyse him, Jerry decides to leave the hospital after telling his ex-wife and Jackson's mother, Hazel Rhodes, to not tell Jackson about the paralysis but she later does so. Jerry later visits Aaron in the village and Aaron convinces him to go and visit Jackson again. Jerry does so after Jackson regains consciousness and Jackson resolves things with his father and thanks him for coming to see him. Jerry returns on the day that Jackson has an operation on his back. Jerry offers Jackson encouragement. He is later devastated to learn from Hazel that Jackson will never walk again after she demands answers from the surgeon. Jerry asks Aaron not to tell Jackson so Aaron tells Jerry to tell him but he can't bring himself to do it so Aaron does it for him. Jerry later suggests that Jackson come and live with him but Jackson rejects his offer as he was still angry at his father's previous homophobia towards him. Jerry tells Jackson that his offer is still there if he changed his mind but he agrees to give money to Hazel each month to help pay for Jackson's care. Jerry later asks Jackson to be godfather to his son Josh, Jackson's half-brother, at his christening but Jackson refuses. Jerry also attends a football match with Jackson, Aaron, Hazel, Chas Dingle, Rhona Goskirk and Paddy Kirk. In June 2011, Jackson invites Jerry to the village pub, The Woolpack, for a drink along with his other family and friends. Jackson tells Jerry that he loves him, wanting to say farewell to his father. The following day Aaron and Hazel help Jackson commit suicide by feeding him a cocktail of drugs. Jerry arrives in the village when he hears the news of Jackson's death and breaks down in tears. Jerry becomes outraged with both Aaron and Hazel after he discovers that they helped Jackson die. After laying flowers at the scene, he angrily attacks Aaron and calls him a "pervert", accusing him of murdering Jackson. Aaron's uncle Cain Dingle threatens Jerry and tells him to leave and he does so, telling Aaron that he will get his comeuppance. Jerry attends Jackson's funeral in the village church and is pleased when he hears that Aaron has been charged with Jackson's murder and cannot attend the funeral as he was in court. Two weeks later, Jerry arrives in the village drunk and confronts Aaron in the cafe and tells him that he has made a damning statement to the police in which he has implicated Aaron as a murderer in order to make sure he is imprisoned. He then attacks Aaron and Carl King and Bob Hope eject him from the cafe and tell him to go home. During Aaron's trial, Jerry takes the stand to give evidence as a prosecution witness and tells the court what he believes but is threatened with contempt of court when he loses his temper and begins shouting at Aaron. After Aaron is found not guilty, Jerry confronts him and tells him that he still believes that he is guilty of murdering Jackson, even if the jury did not believe it. He then tells Aaron that he hoped that Jackson's death would haunt him for the rest of his life and walks away.

Amy Wyatt

Derek Benrose

Derek Benrose
Emmerdale character
Portrayed by Stephen Bent
Introduced by Gavin Blyth
Duration 2010–2011
First appearance 1 November 2010
Last appearance 4 May 2011
Classification Former; recurring.
Date of birth 1954
Occupation Factory delivery driver (until 2011)

Derek Benrose is introduced as the delivery driver for Sharma and Sharma confectioners. Derek appears to be quite lazy and is forever being told off by his boss Jai Sharma who always threatens to fire him if he does not work hard enough. During his time he becomes friends with many of the villagers. Towards the end of 2010 he forms a close relationship with Lisa Dingle, it becomes apparent that he has feelings for her. Lisa's husband Zak, is oblivious to this but forms a good friendship with Derek as he finds jobs for Zak for his delivery van business. On 6 January, Derek and Lisa are both working overtime in the factory together, while everyone else is out at the pub. During this time Derek attacks and rapes Lisa and calls her "a cheap little hussey" when she rejects him. He locks Lisa in the factory and tells her to keep it as their little secret, just after Jai and Charity Tate, attempt to enter the factory and believe Derek and Lisa have gone home as the factory is locked. After Lisa demands to be allowed to go home, Derek lets her out just as Zak and their daughter Belle arrive but Lisa does not tell Zak about the rape. Zak offers Derek a drink at the pub but Lisa wishes to go home. Afterwards Derek goes to the pub and Jai confronts him and asks him why the factory was locked and Derek tells him that Lisa was a bit jumpy from being on her own so they locked the factory to feel secure. The following day, Lisa orders Derek to stay away from her and her family. Derek acts as if nothing has happened and Lisa is openly hostile towards him, noticed by her colleagues and friends. Derek attends a school play in which his nephew is a member of the cast. Lisa's step-grandson, Samson is also in the production and Lisa is forced to sit near Derek during the performance. Afterwards, Lisa repeats her demands that Derek stay away from her. In February, Lisa is concerned when Derek starts flirting with her colleague Lizzie Lakely and asks her out on a date. Lisa then discovers that both Derek and Lizzie have signed up for overtime and she fears that he could strike again. Lisa tells Derek to stay away from Lizzie but he defiantly tells her that she cannot tell him who he can and cannot speak to. Lisa tries to convince Lizzie to stay clear of Derek but she is unsuccessful and Lizzie accuses her of being jealous. The following day, Lisa begs Lizzie to give up her overtime and the women argue and Derek gets involved. Lisa then reveals to Lizzie that Derek raped her. Derek attempts to deny Lisa's accusation and claims that she made a pass at him and that he turned her down, not wanting to betray Zak, but the other factory workers are not convinced and believe Lisa. Jai and his brother Nikhil then suspend Derek from work and tell him to go home and he threatens to sue them. The following day Derek returns to the factory to the astonishment of the other workers and asks Jai and Nikhil if he can talk to them in their office but they refuse and tell Derek to go home. In frustration, Derek resigns from his job and leaves. On 14 March, the police reveal that there is not enough evidence to prosecute Derek for the rape. A furious Zak tracks Derek down to his home. He forces his way into the house and attacks Derek. Lisa follows Zak and manages to stop him from killing Derek. Zak then demands that Derek admits to raping Lisa but he refuses. Derek lies to Zak, claiming that Lisa was obsessed with him, which angers Lisa and she also demands that Derek admits to raping her. She then describes the details of the attack in front of Zak. Zak then tells Derek that he has not got away with his crime and that he will get his comeuppance one day. Zak and Lisa then leave and Derek is clearly shaken by their words. The following week, Lisa receives a letter from the Crown Prosecution Service telling her that Derek has raped another woman and has been arrested and charged and that her rape case was under review. Lisa tells Zak that the CPS want to charge Derek with her rape and intend to hold a joint trial for both offences. Lisa then explains to Zak that she wants to give evidence in order to make sure Derek is imprisoned. In May 2011, Derek stands trial and Lisa faces him in court. She gives evidence and is cross-examined and Derek denies raping her whilst giving evidence in his defence, still insisting that they had consensual sex. Derek is found guilty of the second rape, that of a woman called Claire Aston, but is acquitted of raping Lisa.

Nurse Summers

Nurse Summers is the nurse who takes care of Jackson Walsh whilst he is in hospital recovering from his injuries sustained in a road accident, and has to feed and shave him because he is paralysed from the neck down. Summers often has to placate Jackson's family and friends when emotions are high and banter is often exchanged between her and Jackson.

Mia Macey

Mia Macey
Emmerdale character
Portrayed by Sapphire Elia
Introduced by Gavin Blyth
Duration 2010–11
First appearance 29 November 2010
Last appearance 31 August 2011
Classification Former; regular
Date of death 8 November 2011

Mia Macey, played by Sapphire Elia, made her first on screen appearance on 29 November 2010. Mia is the daughter of Ella Hart and established character Jai Sharma. Mia does not know Jai is her father and believes Declan Macey is instead.

In early 2011, Elia confirmed she would be departing Emmerdale at the end of her contract.[13] On 25 October 2011, it was announced Mia would be killed off-screen.[14] Declan learns of Mia's death in November and the news comes shortly after he agrees to let her pay a visit to Home Farm.[14] Mia dies following a car accident.[14]

Mia follows her mother Ella Hart to Emmerdale. Declan is unaware she is coming and Mia walks in on him kissing Alicia Gallagher. Mia sings a duet with Adam Barton at the pub, making his girlfriend, Scarlett Nicholls, jealous. Scarlett is further angered when she catches Mia kissing Adam. Scarlett slaps Mia and the two girls fight. Mia steps in as her father's PA after Nicola King takes time off. Declan's gamekeeper, Sam Dingle, reports a wall has been knocked down and Mia suggests Adam should help fix it, angering Adam's father John. Later, Adam embarks on an affair with Mia's mother, Ella. Mia is livid when the affair is exposed and knees Adam in the crotch in fury.

Ella reveals to Declan that Jai Sharma is actually Mia's biological father. Declan struggles to be around Mia following the announcement. He decides to send her away with his father and Mia departs the village. A few months later, Declan allows Mia to visit Home Farm. Shortly before her arrival, Declan is informed by the police Mia has been killed in a car accident. Her funeral takes place off screen and she was cremated. Her ashes are later scattered by Declan.

Dermot Macey

Dermot Macey
Emmerdale character
Portrayed by Frank Kelly
Introduced by Gavin Blyth
Duration 2010–11
First appearance 21 December 2010
Last appearance 31 August 2011
Classification Former; regular
Date of birth 1940
Home Ireland
Occupation Businessman

Dermot Macey is a character played by former Father Ted actor Frank Kelly. He arrived in Emmerdale on 21 December 2010. He departed on 31 August 2011.

On 28 April 2011, it was announced that Frank Kelly had quit Emmerdale, to work closer to his home in Ireland and that Dermot would leave in the summer. [15]

Dermot arrived in Emmerdale to spend Christmas with his family and to make amends with his son Declan Macey. He was first seen when he was standing in the bus shelter and was seen by Declan, who went up to him and gave him money to make up some reason why he can't stay for Christmas, although when Declan got back to Home Farm Dermot was sitting with Ella and Mia.

Since his arrival his eye has been caught by Pearl Ladderbanks, who he takes quite a fancy to and Pearl agrees to let him buy a drink for her. The one person who has not taken to Dermot is Alan Turner who thinks that Dermot is not the right sort of person Pearl should be going for and has made it quite clear that Turner has a soft spot for Pearl.

In February 2011 Dermot brought Pearl a drink in The Woolpack and said how nice she is and was flirting with her all night, but he made a comment which he did not mean to say about her weight, which made Pearl quite angry and decided to ignore him for the rest of that night.


  1. ^ Green, Kris (8 March 2010). "Holly breaks up with Aaron". Digital Spy. Hachette Filipacchi (UK) Ltd. Retrieved 6 March 2011. 
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  4. ^ a b c d Green, Kris (23 May 2010). "'Wicked' actress joins 'Emmerdale'". Digital Spy. Retrieved 10 January 2011. 
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  11. ^ Kilkelly, Daniel (7 March 2011). "British Soap Awards 2011 voting opens". Digital Spy (Hachette Filipacchi UK). Retrieved 2011-03-07. 
  12. ^ Ross, Deborah (11 September 2010). "Deborah Ross: 'My search for the perfect soap opera'". The Independent. Retrieved 6 October 2011. 
  13. ^ Ayres, Tom (15 May 2011). "Sapphire Elia confirms 'Emmerdale' exit". Digital Spy. Hachette Filipacchi UK. Retrieved 22 August 2011. 
  14. ^ a b c Kilkelly, Daniel (25 October 2011). "'Emmerdale' death shock confirmed". Digital Spy. Hearst Magazines UK. Retrieved 30 October 2011. 
  15. ^